+7 visual content ideas you can create easily!

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On November 14, 2018, Posted by , In Marketing, With Comments Off on +7 visual content ideas you can create easily!

First off all, let me tell you some facts

1- Visual content is 100% more effective than the written one

2- You don’t need to be a designer or illustrator to create a visual content

3- The brain processes visual information 60,000 times faster than text


So, if you are a marketing manager or a CEO, this article will give you 7+ ideas for visual content you can apply easily. Most of these ideas are totally FREE!


1- Infographics


Infographics are meant to be easily viewable to make the information understandable without effort.


One of the infographics powers is that you can use it as a short and simple source for specific information or topic and you can use it on your blog or upload it to Pinterest, or even cut it into short pieces and post them on linkedin, twitter or Facebook.


You can make infographics with two ways:


  • First way is the Infographic video and this is considered the most effective way and you can get 20% discount on it from here, just put this promo code in your message #20infographicPixlly 
  • Second way is infographic pics and you can create it easily for free from here: https://piktochart.com/formats/infographics/


2- Videos


Videos are considered the most effective type of visual content. There are many types of video content you can use to boost your business such as animation videos, live shooting or stop motion.. etc. You can check all video types and apply on your marketing strategy here.

And you can take 30% discount on all these types from here just put this promo code in your message #30VisualPixlly 😉


3- Games

You can use visual content to create games for your audience, people engage with visual usually more than any other types of games.


4-  GIF

GIFs can be very funny and eye-catching, From my point of view, I cannot say I prefer it on Blogs  or linkedin but it’s very engagable on social networks you Also can create

GIFs easily from here:




  1. Data visualizations and graphical data

you can introduce facts, statistics or information in form of data visualizations or graphical data because articles with data-driven visuals rank fourth in shareable formats due to QuickSprout


you can create it online a Canva.

6-  Memes


Memes are funny and viral content you can add it when you want to put a light  and friendly touch on specific topic with your audience, especially if your audience is youth or college students you can  find ideas in famous movies, trends or your culture.

7- Inspiring quotes


It depends on your business field which quotes will match with it, but it’s always a good morning visual content to create an image with the influencer and his or her quote.


you can create it easily at Canva or PicMonkey

8- 360 degrees pics


You can always use 360 degrees pics to show your office or event place or even your team outing and post it on social media.

you can use this app (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vtcreator.android360&hl=en_US)  to create 360 pics

No one will argue against the immediate and good impact of visual content, your E Marketing strategy should have many different types of visual content especially Video content even if it’s not as affordable as much as the other types but it’s the most effective one and it has very powerful impact on customer retention.


Do you have any experience with visual content you can share with us?

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